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Workshop 1 - How To Be Assertive

How To Be Assertive

Bringing back Play in to the Creative Space – Confidence Inspiring Communication Workshops

  • Understanding the difference between being assertive, aggressive and passive .
  • Ways of calming nerves then dealing with highly pressured situations.
  • Ways of saying no and dealing with tricky conversations. 
  • Techniques to give and receive feedback 
  • Exercises to improve personal impact through the body, voice and breath. 

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Workshop Outline

Defining Assertiveness

We will look at mental blocks that challenge our sense of confidence and analyse our negative self beliefs. We will discover new ways to combat these feelings through understanding why we feel this way and reframe our thought patterns. 

Psychological Obstacles

We will explore our psychological drivers to understand how they get in the way of our professional growth and relationships. We will use the transactional analysis model of the drama/winner triangle to help us inhabit an assertive person.

Saying ‘No’

Understanding why we find it difficult to say no and the consequences of this.






Dealing with difficult conversations

We will think about how to diffuse a tense situation, to deepen rapport and deliver our message confidently.

Personal Impact

We will look at how to use the body, breath and voice for maximum impact and how to present ourselves with energy.